What is ReCircle?
ReCircles are 1 1/2 hour, personalized workshops that come to your circle! They are an opportunity for growth, learning, and deeper connection in existing circles. The options are listed below. Once your circle has collectively chosen a topic, guides will join your circle during its normal time, bringing explanation of the subject and tools to add to your circle’s “tool box.”
These tools are created for both new and experienced circles and include:
These tools are created for both new and experienced circles and include:
- Interesting information on a new topic not covered in the original training
- Experiential exercises and new ways to work in circle
- Prompts to help your circle dive deeper together into the subject
What does a ReCircle cost?
The cost and availability of ReCircles are being updated and will be reposted April 2024
How does my circle schedule a ReCircle?
- To begin, your circle decides on which subject they’d like to delve into. We’ve created a worksheet to help your circle choose its first ReCircle topic (see below).
- One member of your circle will collect payments and send them in via mail or PayPal. We suggest a minimum donation per circle member. A circle’s payment must be received before guides will come in.
- Lastly, have your circle’s point person contact the Circle Coordinator at [email protected]
To pay via PayPal, click the Donate button below to send in your circle's contribution to ReCircle. Please include "Payment For ReCircle" in the memo line.
To pay via mail, mail checks to the address below and include a comment in the memo section "Payment for ReCircle"
Woman to Woman Kentuckiana, Inc. P.O. Box 6465 Louisville, KY 40206 |
Point person, please include the following in your email:
- ReCircle Topic
- When and how (PayPal or Check) your circle made it’s ReCircle payment.
- When and where your circle meets. Include 3-4 dates your circle will meet, starting 2 to 3 weeks from the time of the email. (For example, if today is June 1, the dates would begin June 15.) We need this information to schedule guides to come into your circle.
- Any questions or issues concerning the topic you’ve chosen you’d like addressed. The E-circle coordinator will give them to your guides.
ReCircle Topics
- The Gift of Getting Our Buttons Pushed (Triggering) – Having a strong emotional reaction to what someone says or does is what we call being “triggered.” Recognizing it’s happening is a gift and an opportunity for self-exploration and self-healing around an issue or wound. We’ll explore how to recognize when we or others are being triggered, how the triggering may relate to an old pattern or experience, and how to practice self-care and invite healing.
- Perfectionism & Intimacy: The Everyday Shame We Carry – How do our expectations, judgments and stories get in the way of connection? In an effort to not be hurt or rejected, we often take on perfectionistic attitudes toward our actions, bodies, and even our personalities. But when we judge ourselves, we also block ourselves from connection. Discover how sharing these stories of feeling “too much” and “not enough” with each other can increase intimacy within your circle.
- Am I on the Drama Triangle? – Learn what the Drama Triangle is all about. Explore the Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor roles and discover your childhood starting position. As we become familiar with each and how we use it to feel “in control” and avoid our vulnerability, we can choose to step off the the Triangle and into healthier, more authentic relationships with ourselves and each other.
- Dancing with Our Shadows - Psychologist Carl Jung used the word “Shadow” to describe those parts of ourselves that we repress, deny or disown. Recognizing and integrating what may be in shadow for us can be an important tool for self-awareness and healing. This workshop explores what we mean by Shadow and ways to identify and work with your Shadow material in Circle.
- Deepening Work – We all know what it’s like to want to “work” in Circle and then find ourselves falling back into storytelling or other ways of avoiding our difficult feelings, our work, and our inner selves. This mini workshop helps to normalize how challenging it can be to go deeper and offers a variety of tools to both ask for the support you need and to support those struggling without trying to fix or change them.